Rocky Mountain Ranch, Colorado
Rocky Mountain Pathways Ranch is located in Allenspark, Colorado on 56 acres on the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park. RMPR offers Experiential Learning Programs in which students take over operating an existing dude ranch. This experience enhances student learning by involving them in various ranch oriented activities, thus allowing them to gain both academic and community service credits. The RMPR program is designed to push students to step out of their comfort zone, and into an area of personal growth and development. Students care for ranch animals and learn to saddle and ride horses. While on hikes, students are educated on the nature surrounding RMP Ranch. In addition to bonding with animals and nature, students also participate in teambuilding and personal growth activities.
Every day on the Ranch presents new challenges, leadership development, social and emotional learning and an opportunity to expand students’ perspectives and experiences; these memories and friends students make, ensure that it is well worth it!
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